Blog Oklahoma Web Ring
A web ring is a collection of related sites arranged to allow you to browse through all of them and end up back where you started. Last July, the Blog Oklahoma web ring was started -- I found out about it tonight through It is, as you might expect, a collection of blogs by and about Oklahomans. I've submitted for membership, and have added something to the sidebar (look along the right side and scroll down) to allow you to navigate the webring. The punctuation marks allow you to, respectively, visit the previous site, list the previous five sites, go to a random site in the ring, go to the webring home, list all the sites, view statistics, list the next five sites, or go to the next site in the ring.
Blog Oklahoma Web Ring
As always, please realize that I cannot monitor and do not endorse all the content on these sites. While I try to be family-friendly, many bloggers assume an adults-only audience and may refer to topics or use language inappropriate for children. These sites still have material that is often thought-provoking, humorous, or well-written. I trust grownups to be able to be at least as discriminating as a cow, able to eat the grass but spit out the sticks. Still, if it gets to the point that the bad outweighs the good in a site I link, I will drop it off my list. Let me know if you follow a link and find that to be the case.
Are you someone who blogs in or about Oklahoma? Then why not add your blog to the Blog Oklahoma web ring. #oklahoma #okblog #blogoklahoma #webring #blogging
Started on July 25, 2003, the Blog Oklahoma web ring has grown into a diverse and interesting community of Oklahoma bloggers. Are you someone who blogs in or about Oklahoma? Then you already qualify for web ring membership. Join Blog Oklahoma today!
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Ring Energy, Inc. (NYSE American: REI) is headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas and is an oil and natural gas exploration and production company with current operations in the Permian Basin of West Texas -- recognized as the top producing oil basin in North America. Formed in 2012, the experienced management team has aggressively sought to acquire select low decline, and long-lived oil and gas properties in the Permian Basin with development opportunities for future years. As of 12/31/21, the Company, through exploration and acquisitions, increased proved reserves to an estimated 77.8 million Boe (barrel of oil equivalent). In summer 2022, REI acquired additional producing properties and acreage in the Permian Basin that added 66.6 million Boe of proved reserves as of June 1, 2022 and nearly 500 new drilling and recompletion locations. With over 100 years of combined experience in the oil and gas industry, coupled with new technological advancements, careful geological evaluation and reservoir engineering, and long-established industry relationships, REI is poised for profitability and success.
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The day was July 23, 2003. That's a day I'll remember. It was when I launched the Blog Oklahoma web ring for Oklahoma bloggers. You see back in the day there wasn't a webring just for Oklahoma bloggers, so I started one.
I'm sorry what was that? What's a web ring? It was a way to connect websites together in a circular fashion by using these things called links. Now please save your questions for later and let me finish this story or we're going to be here all night.
A few years later, on May 19, 2005, I started a new website called Exploring Oklahoma History. It was dedicated to traveling Oklahoma and visit all the historic places we could find, catalog them, and possibly learn something about Oklahoma's fascinating history.
In 2009 the Blog Oklahoma Podcast was honored with the prestigious Okie Blog Award for Best Podcast. The Okie Blog Awards were established by, and decided by and for, Oklahoma bloggers exclusively. They are intended for our blogging peers to recognize and honor the excellence of diversity by bloggers within the state through popular nominating and voting.
What started out to update everyone on Blog Oklahoma, changed into something to encourage Oklahomans to write about Oklahoma life, and now its evolved into being an open topic podcast about whatever Oklahoma and life has to bring.
The Okie Blog Awards were established by, and decided by and for, Oklahoma bloggers exclusively. They are intended for our blogging peers to recognize and honor the excellence of diversity by bloggers within the state through popular nominating and voting.
Download the free, official Gathering Place app today, provided by our partners at AARP Oklahoma. Get access to an interactive Park map, daily activities and schedules, exclusive Park facts and much more.
The Williams Lodge is one of two iconic buildings in Gathering Place. This extroverted building anchors various park activities by offering amenities such as restrooms, cafes, educational activity rooms and indoor lounge spaces with eclectic furnishings.
Mist Mountain is one of several elements within the Park that was designed specifically to provide an exciting and active way to beat the heat. Hydrate and engage in the various water features, including soaring water cannons, leaping jets of water, mist areas and interactive water fountains.
At the heart of Gathering Place are three expansive lawns: the QuikTrip Great Lawn, Riverview Lawn and Lakeview Lawn. These large multifunctional spaces will be a favorite place for concerts, picnics, Frisbee, reading and relaxing.
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Dr. Eli Bridge who works at the Oklahoma Biological Survey at OU and his colleagues are using NEXRAD data to study birds and other flying animals. They can quantify nighttime migration of birds in the spring and fall by looking at radar reflectivity data where there is clear air. For one of their projects, they are trying to compile radar data to estimate the size of Purple Martin Roosts.
Purple Martins form large, dense aggregations during the late summer where there may be as many as 50,000 birds spending the night in two or three trees. When they leave these roosts at sunrise they make characteristic ring-shaped reflectivity patterns in scans from nearby radars. Eli is trying to use the radar data to develop an index of roost size (number of birds) and then compare roosts across years to see how things like drought and land use practices affect these regional bird populations.
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Registration is open for Spring Ring 2023, to be held March 4, 2023 at various locations across Area 9 with an assortment of fantastic clinicians! Check out the Events page, plan to attend the nearest location, and start working on the exciting repertoire. See you in...
Area 9 has a fun handbell event planned for you! Sign up at one of the registration links below for a workshop for some technique review and a reading session that will include our Spring Ring 2023 selections (music can be purchased subject to availability or...
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